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Sunday, 17 February 2008
Subject: Tsk Tsk..

So i stayed up most of the night,, courtesy of my darling Harry who wouldn't stop biting my feet,, so i'm tired and not in the happiest mood today;; not saying i'm grumpy just a bit under-slept. It doesn't really help matters that Blog Spot's Spelling checker doesn't work as i found a few spelling mistakes (which i have now corrected) in yesterdays posting after using the spell checker to check it before posting. that is worthy of a grumble and there you have it.

I just decided, as in right now;; i will show you that it doesn't work delibratley and i will print screen it to prove my case:


  • because i said so
  • becuaes i said so

Now unless you are not paying attention you should notice the very obvious spelling mistake in the second sentence It's supposed to be "because" not "becuaes" now lets see what the spell checker does..
screen shot 1
screen shot 2
Just so you know;; when i went to upload these pictures via the picture uploader on here;; that wouldn't work either, nothing opened and i tried several times.

Now that i have that out of the way i promised you all an entry on homeschool. well I should go ahead and start it then dont you think?...

Definition: Being taught at home, from either your parents or a private tutor or being sent work from a home school foundation ie; the new zealand corrospondence school.

I often get asked/told this;;

how do you do school work if your not at school?
  • how do you get tested/do exams?
  • you must get bored and lonely.
  • you don't get to see your friends
  • you don't learn much because you don't have teachers.
  • Starting with Number 1.
    How do you do school work if your not at school?
    When you do Home school or Corrospondence;; you do whatever is given to you, which is known as school work because a; it is work for you to do and b; its called home school for a reason right?

    Number 2.
    How do you get tested and do exams?
    Pah! Exams. who needs them?? all they are Is bits of paper telling you that your good at the subject or your terrible at it, besides most people forget alot of information when it comes to testing times as you are pretty much put into a spotlight and you tend to stress out and forget most useful things you need. I much prefer to learn about something and just go over it every so often and move up like that. I don't need a piece of paper telling me anything.

    Number 3.
    You must get so bored and lonley.
    Again,, Pah!! Just because i don't go to school doesn't mean i have no friends, i actually have a very good friend who is doing homeschool with me. and seeing as we dont have to do full 6hour days, we get to talk more and hang out more than people that go to school. I do all my school work online, (apart from the language studies) so i always have people to chat with on there everyday. And who says we have to stay at home all day?

    Number 4.
    you don't get to see your friends.
    Yet again Pah!! piffle, rubbish whatever! I bet I see my friends more than you do! you guys are stuck in class for around 4-5 hours 5 days a week and you get split up from your friends sometimes, whereas i get to hang out with people whenever!!..

    Number 5.
    You don't learn much because you don't have teachers. So There.
    ZOMG!! you can't acutally possibly believe that?? sheesh by saying that you are calling the parents and tutors of home schooled kids stupid,dumb whatever. And that is just plain mean. Most people who get taught at home are at home because the schools don't have great teachers or the teachers have terrible teaching methods.

    I had a fight with one of my now ex-friends awhile ago and you know what one of her retorts to me was? "Well at least i go to school" Honestly that is one of the STUPIDEST retorts anyone can say to me or anyother homeschooler. Pathetic really. Well that girl is just ignorant. Just because she doesn't know what it's like.

    Overall;; Home and corrospondence school are AWESOME!! best thing that's ever happened to me school-wise!! I am never ever going back to high school again and I am so glad about that.

    If you wanna know more check out Google or Wikipedia.org
    If you have anything to say to me about this subject;; comment me. don't be scared.

    Byebye for today,,

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    posted by Geah @ 12:48 pm | c0mnts

    Saturday, 16 February 2008
    Subject: Sunshine !!

    Yet another day. 'Tis a "Summers" day here, was raining before but now the sun is out again and it is beginning to heat up here.
    How I would love to get a laptop, so i can sit outside and enjoy the sun while it's still here...

    my random thought for the day;; what is the question if love is the answer ?

    hm, i have been thinking about that alot recently, especially because of Vday just passing;; if any of you have the faintest idea of what 'the' question could be comment me. Maybe the question is something like; "What is the four letter word that a couple shares together?" I don't know.. that's just me thinking a bit outside the square.. come back to me on that one later...

    So i noticed on bebo in people's blogs the question "If you were to be stranded on a deserted island what ONE thing would you take?" As I have been asked this too many times i thought i'll answer that here with my answer in a question: "Why is it that hardly anyone thinks to say a boat with petrol?" I mean honestly, that is really the obvious thing to say, unless you would WANT to stay on a deserted island, assuming that when 'they' say deserted they mean no sign of civilisation there meaning no proper way to live. Fine. but hey that's my answer & opinion on that question and seeing as this is MY blog, i am entitled to MY opinion.

    Now that I have that thought out of the way i can move on to other things. I was surfing the net this morning and came upon someones personal website with a YouTube video of the 'Potter Puppet Pals' watch this video to see why I like it so much;; Call me chilidish, but i love this vid, i find it totally hilarius.

    Now you absolutely must watch that video and tell me what you think of it, i think that it's the best one yet. :P
    IF you wanna watch more of them just type in Potter Puppet Pals in the search box.

    Also the creater of PPP has a death threat contest - the entries are looking really funny at the moment. :P

    Changing the topic slightly;; what do people think about the Harry Potter series? personally i love them they're a great read and interesting, makes real life sound a bit of a bore sometimes to be perfectly honest. What are your opinions on the 6th book? do you think the 6th Installement in the movie series will be better than the book or not?
    I think the book will be better, the 5th book was much better than the fifth movie i must admit, the producers cut out around half of the information from the book and left heaps of the great stuff out!! o_o...

    Hmm what to write about now?... *scratches head* *looks around* aha!
    I have recently aquired a kitten, well i chose it not aquired it. lol. :P He is was born on the 9th of December 2007 which makes him a little over 2 months young. He is a small ginger & white kitten, with a long ginger stripe running from his eye lids down to the end of his tail and paws. he is a very fiesty little thing, but very cute and definately extremely adorable. XD

    Harry at 6weeks old.

    He goes with me where ever I go, If i am at my mum's he is with me, if i am at my dad's he's with me there with our 5 dogs and 4 other cats. :) lots of pets - i know. let's see there is: (in order of age) Thomas (C),Bonnie(D),Clyde(D),Crockey-Rascall(D),Fudge(D),Smudge(C),Elfie(C),Spot(D) and Harry. one of 'our' cats is a stray we found, he looks extremely old, and fragile so i think he would be the oldest. I decided i want to call him Toby. it seems to suit him. now C stands for Cat so obviously, D stands for Dog.

    On a completely different topic, i might start adding things for you guys to use for your blogs or sites. you know graphics like brushes and resources etc.. please tell me what you think about that.

    On another note i have found something you should ALL read;; it's about homeschool, and the way people treat them compared to people that go to 'proper' school, now seeing as i don't go to school, i completely agree with everything said! To read it Click here. expect to see a blog on that sometime soon.

    I leave you today with the thought of that big long new article i'm about to write on homeschooling and home schooled kids. keep on reading.

    Adios Amigos
    xox :3

    Labels: , , , , , ,

    posted by Geah @ 1:34 pm | c0mnts

    Friday, 15 February 2008
    Subject: Meh.. >.<

    Another day, another blog.. well second blog posting but anyway, another day to sit here and think and of course write.

    I never really considered myself to be a writer - plots and story lines never really come to me easily -but suprisingly i'm finding it quite easy to sit here and write about life itself and naturally all lifes challenges and obstacles.

    You see, I unlike alot of others i know, did not get a great childhood thanks to my parents getting divorced and lots of fighting, quite horrible really - but it does make a girl stronger inside and out. I certainly do know that life is not easy and is sometimes quite frightining, we just have to get through and make the most of it. we only get one chance at life...

    ...Or do we??
    I find history and things to do with people incredibly interesting, so I had a look at the meaning of reincarnation:
    Reincarnation, literally "to be made flesh again"
    Or, "To be born again as another person" (the second one is my basic definition) I watch documentarys on television about people who think they are reincarnations of other, famous people who lived many hundreds of years before us. I find it interesting to watch yet I am unsure of whether i believe in it.

    So not was i was planning to write about originally but hey, if it keeps me busy and you readers occupied for a while then i achieved what i wanted to achieve.

    The promised thought/quote: "It's not the size of the man you play, it's how you play the man" - as of yet iam unsure of who said that quote but will try to find out :)

    So back to talking about something interesting, Life not going to school is fun! I do say so myself, though i haven't yet recieved my coursework to start my acedemic year from the correspondence school, but i am just enjoying my free time and holidays :)

    This year, as a fourth former, i get to choose two optional studies, and i have chosen to continue on with German (jah ich spricken ze deutsch) and take on French as well - should be interesting as i already know a bit of Spanish (Espanol) so I am hoping that I don't get the three languages mixed up - now that would be a bit embarrasing on my part.

    Hopefully I will be allowed to go on an exchange program next year for my 5th Form, or year 11 as we call it in New Zealand mostly. I would very much like to visit France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom the history and culture there are amazing according to my Aunty and Cousins.

    But seeing as I am stuck in little old New Zealand for the time being I may as well tell you a bit about the place;
    hmm where to begin, the name sounds like a good place to start;

    New Zealand, known as the Land of the long white cloud or Aotearoa, In Maori - NZ's Native language. located in the South-West Pacific Ocean, "next door neighbours" to Australia and the pacific Islands & made up of the Three main islands, The North Island, South Island & Stuart Island.

    NZ is home to the Late Sir Edmund Hillary; (July 20th 1919 - 11th January 2008)our five dollar man. May he Rest In Peace.

    For those of you who may wish to know more about this beautiful country i suggest you look up on Wikipedia

    Hmm, so i have now talked about school, reincarnation and New Zealand - so what now?

    How about St Valentines Day? Yes that'll do. as you should know from yesteray's blog, i spent it with my family. What do you all think about Valentines? Many people i know believe that it is a florist's scam to make money, even if that is the case - It is a romantic day. LOL.

    Well that'll have to be all today, I'm out.
    Hasta Manana (see you tomorrow)

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    posted by Geah @ 12:56 pm | c0mnts

    Thursday, 14 February 2008
    Subject: Blog ^.^

    So, This is my new blog.. my new space on the www. Cool.

    what to write here, let me see...
    This blog will mostly be a random blog, you know write when i feel like it and write whatever comes into my head when I log on.
    What can i write about today? lets start with a 3D chat called IMVU..
    logged on this morning to find afew of my buddies online, but away from their computers >.<>
    Happy Valentines Day to all you lovey-dovey romanced up couples;; no i do not have a boyfriend so yet again i spend another V-Day with my family;; but not the end of the world - besides what can you do?
    Random thought of the Day: (From Increasebrainpower.com)
    If you were the most honest and the most modest man in the world, and someone asked you who the most modest man in the world is, would you have to give up one of your titles in order to answer?
    I will think up my own for tomorrow
    If you want to sign up to IMVU click here and if you want to get FREE IMVU credits click here.

    Well I think that's all from me for today. Chow everyone,
    Blogger :)

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    posted by Geah @ 12:43 pm | c0mnts

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